Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Split Ends

Are you one of those ladies that dreams of owning her very own head full of big, thick, curly hair! If you're crazy!!!

You're routine in the morning...shower and put your hair in a pony tail...wet, and it still dries beautifully straight. Shower and put your head in a towel until it dries then whispfully take it still dries beautifully straight. How about go outside and get stuck in a rain storm with your can go inside and sit by the fire place and you're hair still looks damn perfect! Swimming...perfect. Wind storm...perfect. Tsunami...probably perfect too.

Me, not so perfect. If I leave the towel on my head too long and my hair dries too much...I have matted curls stuck to my forehead. Sexy, huh. If I go in the rain, or a wind storm, or a tsunami, the knotts, tanlges, fly aways, and the amazing mass of stuff that would some how fly into my hair would get stuck instead of peacefully fall through the limp strands to the ground where it belongs.

I am one of the women who was cursed with too much hair, and curly hair to boot. The lady that is forced to have a towel on her head for atleast thirty minutes...closer to an hour...after every shower just so that her hair is some what dry before slaving with a blow dryer. I was the girl who would wash my hair, put it in a ponytail, go to work then come home only to take my ponytail out and still have wet hair. The one who has to blowdry her hair for atleast fifteen minutes on heat, then five on cool just so I can cool down a smidgen, then finish up on heat.

So what...I can make my hair curly, or straight, crimp it, wear it up, down, left, right, top, bottom...I can do pretty much anything with my hair. The joys of being able to style to the occasion. It sounds like a total pay-off, right? Did you not read what I wrote above.

Theres no look that I can do that you couldn't pull off with a barett :) I wear my hair up in curls, you wear yours with a pink butterfly barett. I wear mine down, you do...but with a blue butterfly barett (now you're even more stylish than me too!). See. No matter what yours can look cute, stylish, and all right out of bed :) How I wish I had straight hair!

Sad part...not even done. I haven't even gone on to explain the woes and trials of trying to either straighten (which takes way too long with as much hair as mine), curl (which is easiest because of my lovely butane curling iron...portable :), so only about fourty-five minutes, or just style it as is, which seriously, is a sad turn out. If this was the 80's, let me tell you...I would be the most happening chickie on the block, but alas, and thank goodness all at the same time, this is not the 80's, so it is not.

Just take it from me...if you were blessed with straight hair, you have no idea how lucky you are! The only thing you need to "hair survive" is a good brush, hair elastics, and some barrets! Me...just don't ask about my collection, it only grows.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista!
    Have you tried the wet dry straightener? My hair dresser/ best friend uses them in her salon and they are the bomb! i can straighten my damp ringlets and be done in 15 minutes. Love it!
    Doesn't hold up to tsunamis though :)
